- Diagnostics
- Medical Devices & Equipment
- Ophthalmics
- Dental Equipment
- Prosthetics
- Laboratory & Life Sciences
- Drug Delivery Devices
- Detection & Diagnostic Devices
- Orthodontic Devices &Tools
- Respiratory & Pressure Management
- Medical/Pharma Packaging/Storage
- Prosthetics & Mobility Aids
Case Study
Springtech is the ideal partner for companies manufacturing high specification medical, dental and pharmaceutical devices and equipment. Our Engineers have extensive knowledge of the performance, durability and reliability requirements for developing and manufacturing springs, wireforms and flat-strip components for mechanical and electronic devices.
Specialist Compression, Torsion & Extension Springs
Our broad portfolio of tailor-made springs has enabled us to successfully work with customers on projects for drug delivery/infusion devices, inhalers and nebulisers. Our inventory of ‘medical-grade’ 316 stainless steel facilitates quick turnaround and production of specialist compression, torsion and extension springs used in surgical and dental instruments.
International Medical & Pharma Customers
We have a diverse international customer base manufacturing across the breadth of the medical and pharma industries including diagnostic equipment, prosthetics and mobility aids, precision valves and fluid management pumps, endoscopes and x-ray equipment.
Integrated Product Finishing Services
To complement our manufacturing facilities we offer a fully integrated range of product finishing services including specialist heat treatment, ultrasonic cleaning processes and passivation
All our medical industry products are offered with full-lot material and product traceability and records maintained to individual customer requirements.